Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Redefining Garage Sales

Cory and I made an incredible discovery this past weekend...the REI garage sale. We knew it had to be good with the long line wrapped along the side of the building waiting to get into the roped off area, but we didn't know how good until we got in. What a treasure trove! Bikes, tents, sleeping bags, GPS systems, sunglasses...you name it, it was there at a significantly discounted price. Since we were the third group in, shoes and clothes were fifty percent off the sales price because there were still so many left. This was a "bruised and battered" sale, so these were returned items, but they weren't necessarily damaged. The pair of Keens I bought for $2.50 (you read that right) just didn't fit the first owner comfortably - the same is true for the other four pairs of shoes we bought - so nothing was actually wrong with any of them. We walked away with those Keens, a pair of Tevas, three pairs of Merrells, a sweater, a sweat-wicking shirt, a cute beanie and a fanny pack/water bottle holder for my dad all for the low, low price of $75. We love REI...and we love REI garage sales! Yippee for great deals!


Christel said...

Wow, that's amazing! Way to go "garage saling!"

Shelley said...

Hurray! That's pretty awesome!

Justin N. said...

Got to love the REI Garage Sale. I got to the one up here a little late in the day, which means there wasn't jack-squat left. Glad to hear you grabbed some goodies. We were down in the Harbor over the weekend, Lisa's sister & best friend threw her a baby shower. I thought of you & Jo. Sounds like life is well for the two of you. Hope this new school year has started off well. We've got a baby boy on the way. His official arrival date is Oct 21, which is 7 days out, but who knows when he'll actually arrive. We started posting on a Blog, (http://aguyagirlandababy.blogspot.com)so check it out sometime to catch posts & pics of the baby boy. Take care, say 'Hi' to Jo for us. -JN-