Friday, August 22, 2008

Home away from home.

Here you are promised, pictures of the classroom.

This would be the view of my room from the front door. I have 8 groups of do the math.

This is my classroom library. Notice the kick ass sign Jo made me last year.

This is the view of my room from my desk. The Letters hanging from the ceiling are there to designate groupings.

We have a Duck, a Beaver and....*gasp* a Husky that teach at Findlay...I am sure to fly my Coug pride. Jo made this sign for my door.

Oh, and I was also just named Findlay Reading Department Chair...W00t!

School starts Monday...I'm excited, I hope you are too!


P.S. My dog is lazy


Anonymous said...

Cory - Great to see your room - especially all of the wazzu signs!! Hard to believe you have to deal with 40 kids at a time. Yikes!!

Way to go becoming Reading chair.....congrats!

PS - Go Cory!! (from Grammie)

Christel said...

Wow, 40 kids. That's nuts! So far, I have 22. Quite the difference from my old school.

Congrats on the reading chair position. You rock! Ok, and what grade are you teaching? I'll post pictures of my classroom when I get it closer to being done. I've got 1 week until classes start! YIKES!